

Friday 11 December 2020

StencilGirl (R) December2020 Project

We have made it to the end of this year and that in itself is already much more of an achievement than in any other year. I hope you are safe and well and will continue to be so in 2021. Had we known what awaited us at this time last year we might well have wanted to take a rain check but sadly that wasn’t an option. Part of what has kept me going during this roller coaster of a year is my art and also the words of Ben Okri’s poem that I have continued to illustrate over the past months. Time and again I have been struck by just how appropriate each quote was to the situation we were living through and this last one of the year is no exception: “But there is nothing we can do, if we don’t begin to think anew”. I think it can be applied to both our personal lives and the wider world, and my hope for 2021 is that we make a start with that sooner rather than later. One of my New Year resolutions is to continue to illustrate this poem.
You can find a link to the tutorial for these pages here:

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