This might have been one of the last warm, sunny days of this year as miraculously it's already the very last day of September. Very first thing this morning a mist hung around Macbiehill but the sun soon burned it off and it turned into a glorious day.

I also wanted to capture some of the marvelous cloudscapes here in the Scottish Borders as I have been admiring them greatly on my wonderful friend Lenna's blogpost. Hers are in Florida but if you look at the clouds only, it's clear that they are gorgeous wherever you happen to be on this beautiful planet.

To celebrate John persuaded me to leave my studio and go for a long walk. Every since I installed the countdown button to the exhibition ( as seen on the right hand side of this blog) I have descended into a panic about the rapidity with which the days were disappearing. In order to calm down I made a list of everything that was already finished and this did wonders for my peace of mind. But in the meantime a week of frentic quilting had passed so I agreed with him that some fresh air and exercise would be just the ticket!

The walk was great, just a pity that I was wearing my wellies for the first time this year and with no socks. So huge blisters have appeared on the back of my ankles, yuk!! I do this every autumn, when will I ever learn? Still no regrets, the walk was definitely worth it.
The clouds are just as gorgeous in your Scottish sky as they are here in Florida, Frieda! Their similarity is a huge comfort to me. Isn't it amazing to look up and see such wonders? xo lenna
What a lovely part of the world. My sister and her husband live on North Slipperfield Estate where I based myself in August and walked those glorious hills in preparation for walking the Inca Trail. What beauty. I took many photos of where you must have walked the walk. Just love it! Also love your blog and fabulous quilts!
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