

Thursday 24 April 2014

Colour Play with the Gelli Plate

I spend more time painting cotton fabric using my gelli plate and a wide variety of acrylic paints. As chance would have it it was exactly a week ago I did this last although that wasn't planned. I simply woke up this morning feeling like doing a painting session. When those moods strike I have found it's a good idea to give in. Doing things when you fancy them is much easier than fighting it. That doesn't just apply to painting fabric but also to writing this blog.

I've had a dry spell even though you might not have noticed. For some reason, probably because of all the internet problems, I suddenly lost the will to write even though we now have two wifi systems to keep us going. But my mojo had gone in hiding. Yes, there were still pictures here courtesy of the Blogsy App, and a few lines of text were even added, but I knew my heart wasn't in it. That was the reason I didn't switch on the laptop and took the time to think about my words and get them down on the page.
The mojo hasn't returned yet and I'm sitting it out. I know it will fly home at some stage, but in the meantime I have finally switched on the PC and made myself type this. Sometimes just doing is enough to bring the will to do more back. If this doesn't help I will (cliché coming up!) go with the flow.
The painting on the other hand flowed a lot easier. I used much the same paints as last week's session, with the addition of some neon and fluorescent colours. As I mentioned then these painted fabrics are for a quilt I have in mind. I want to have lots of fabrics to chose from so anticipate a few more painting sessions till I feel I have enough to get started. I also want to make quite a bit of progress with the quilt that I'm hand quilting at the moment before diving into a new project.
I'm trying not to get to attached to these individual fabrics because they will be cut up in due course but I'm rather pleased with the one above. Not sure if I can persuade myself to put the scissors into this one when the time comes!


  1. Gorgeous fabric - it looks illuminated! I wouldn't be able to cut into that final one either.

  2. yes, GORGEOS is the word for your printed fabrics! Wow Frieda I'd have a difficult time cutting up any of these! Thank you for sharing despite losing your mojo for writing out your posts lately. I know it will come back.I think this is a delayed reaction to your prior frustrations with your internet service.

  3. they are all wonderful Frieda - are printing just on muslin and do you stabilize it somehow before using the gelli plate?


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