

Thursday 8 May 2014

Full of Promise

I feel I should apologise for the lack of art here at the moment. I'm hand quilting a large quilt as my fingers will testify, and I don't want to start anything else till it's well on its way. As i'm not even half way through that will be quite some time yet.

And so I'm treating you instead to photographs from the garden. However my photography itself has become part of my art practice and it is a part that is becoming ever more important. I love looking for that one picture that will become my blip for the day. Today that was the open rhododendron flower at the top. But there are usually other contenders that I like almost as much and you can see the two for today here.

I seem to have little control of where my art leads me. It leads and I follow. That means that the emphasis of this blog may sometimes change to showing more photography than anything else but it will always eventually return to my other art forms as and when I have time to make it.

I'm still not quite back in my groove but that too will return and I'm patiently awaiting that moment. One of the big advantages of having made art for so many years is that I have become much more familiar with my own fluctuating moods, and I have learned not to try and force my downs to become ups. It never works. Rather I simply turn up in my studio, do the work and hope for the best. And so far there always comes a turning point when one day my heart suddenly is in the process again together with the rest of me. All will be well!



  1. Love that second photo, the pink tulip about to open. Just lovely.

    And thank you so much for using "its" and "it's" correctly, among other words. So refreshing to follow someone who uses the English language properly.

  2. you are very smart Frieda and I am going to take my lead from you, being in a similar situation. I think I am already there, but it does help me to hear your ideas. It's also reassuring! I love your gorgeous photography and know that often you are working on something to exhibit that you cannot show us yet. I am pleased to see whatever the day brings with your creativity : ) xoxox

  3. Yes the mojo ebbs and flows doesn't it - but your still "creating" just in a different way....lovely close ups....

  4. Your photography is also your art and it is always a treat to see. Thanks for all you post. Blogging is not easy.

  5. Your photography is also your art and it is always a treat to see. Thanks for all you post. Blogging is not easy.

  6. I always enjoy flowers!!!
    Each is a work of art!


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