

Monday 26 May 2014

Haystoun Visit Part 2

As promised I'm returning to the visit we paid to Haystoun yesterday and this time concentrating on the gardens around the house itself, including the beautiful and sheltered walled garden in which we found this amazing little door with huge and beautiful hinges.
 Despite the rain I had to photograph the flowers,specially as I love this red and purple colour scheme.
 There were lots of different rhododendrons and this pink one looks delicious.
 As did the pink bells hidden in the tall grass.
 And even almost over and soaking wet the tulips still looked stunning.
The greenhouse was wonderful too with the display of masses of geraniums (pelargoniums). They look particularly lovely against the texture of the white wall.
 Love this particular variety with it's deep purple/red splashes.
 The remains of what I think is an anemone
 and the wonderful texture of the fennel.
Of course because all the pictures were taken at Haystoun yesterday I can't use them for my blip today as the one requirement there is that the picture you upload has to be taken on that day, so I needed to take a picture today for that purpose. Suitably I've photographed a small detail from a small piece that is being posted off tomorrow and I will talk about it in more details when the time comes (in August) when it goes on show, but as you can see even from this it too features flowers.


  1. beautiful flowers, but that door with those fabulous hinges- be still my heart!

  2. That garden door is just magical Frieda - love your picture of it....(and the rest too :) )


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