

Wednesday 14 May 2014

How good can it get?

The answer to the title question is that days don't get much better than this one. First I discovered that the above quilt Colours of Burano has won the Hand Quilting award at the Loch Lomond Quilt Show which started today. I'll be going there myself on Saturday so more about this then.
And then, no more than an hour later I was called with the news that Thread Tangle (seen above) has won both the Wholecloth quilt category as well as the Art Quilt section at the  Quilts UK Malvern, organized by Grosvenor Shows, and also taking place this coming weekend.
And it's only a fortnight since Fire and Ice won 2nd Prize at the British Quilt & Stitch Village in Uttoxeter (as you can read in an earlier post).

Days like this don't come around often, and I have moved to cloud nine with a glass of wine in my hand and the bottle at the ready!


  1. These are such beauties. I wish I could see them in person.
    Congratulations and enjoy your euphoria !!!!

  2. Congratulations, Frieda! How wonderful to receive such glowing affirmations on the same day.

  3. Congrats on your wins. Much deserved!

  4. Congratulations- so nice to have your talents recognised. they look beautiful

  5. Huge congrats to you Frieda!!! These honors are so well deserved! wish I could be there to pop a cork and celebrate YOU :)

  6. Congratulations, Frieda, but not surprising, your quilts are outstanding.
    I haven't seen the first quilt before, what a lovely graphic design and with your usual brilliant colouring.

  7. Congratulations. Well deserved. Enjoy the wine.


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