

Wednesday 28 May 2014

My Favourite Things

My Favourite Things is an ongoing regular feature in the STITCH with the Embroiderers' Guild magazine and it was a pleasure to be asked to contribute my own favourites. It has just been published in issue 89, June-July 2014 that you can see above. You can also find STITCH on Facebook.
The Favourite Things feature is always on the last page of the magazine and you can catch glimpses of my page in these pictures. You won't be surprised to hear books are featured but once I started writing I was quite surprised myself to discover how much I love my photography (specially  my daily blip) and my online presence. But there are also purely practical items without which I would find life far less pleasurable, such as Big Eye needles and my gelli plates.
By writing I discover things about myself that I must have know already subconsciously  but that drift to the surface once I start to think about them properly. Thanks to STITCH and it's editor Kathy Troup for featuring me. I love the resulting article.


  1. That's so awesome, Frieda!!!

  2. "By writing I discover things about myself that I must have know already subconsciously but that drift to the surface once I start to think about them properly." THAT is exactly what happened to me when write that Blog Hop Q&A!!
    : ) huge hugs on being published again in Stitch!!

  3. Can't wait to pick up a copy to see your article. Just love your work.
    Disappointed that there is no online pdf copy as I am moving and will no longer be able to get Stitch. No paper subscription will not work.


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