

Monday 19 May 2014

Tulips (and other flowers) from Macbiehill

I was going to share my latest (week 21) The Documented Life Project page in my planner (it is done, I promise!) but it's too lovely a day not to go outside and indulge in some photography in our own garden. I sometimes pretend to myself that I am a visitor there and try and look at it with fresh eyes. The tulips remain the highlight at the moment and the raised bed full of them is my miniature version of The Keukenhof.

The double one, called Peaches and Cream (although it's more like raspberry ripple) is a stunner, but so is pink Angelique and

dark Blue Parrot, while the white ones provide some serenity.

I also found some delicious red ones.

And as I mentioned yesterday we have our own blue poppies.

There might be only three flowers so far but there are more to come!

The Berberis too is in full flower

and the Gunnera leaves are emerging.


It all goes to show that there is no need to go far for photo opportunities. They are right here. All that is required is to grab that camera and go look.

By the way, you can also find me on Instagram more and more, and there I play with my pictures. Somewhere along the line I seem to have made the subconscious decision to adjust the colours, push the contrast (on the Snapseed and Phototoaster iPad Apps) and I also use the Instagram filters and borders to my heart's content. I'm printing off these photos more and more using Printagram (I can't recommend this company highly enough!) and then use them in my art. You will see this on my Documented Life page this week. It will be up here soon, so watch this space.



  1. so wonderful . . . I am trying to make more instagram photos now so I can have them printed up at printstagram. Thanks for your inspiration!


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