

Saturday 10 May 2014

Use a Stamp

I spied the new challenge for The Documented Life Project on the blog of one of the organizers first thing this morning. Normally it isn't revealed till Saturday evening here in the UK so this was a treat. It meant I could start on it around midday. The task read: Use a Stamp in a new Way. Now I think there is no such thing as a new way. Even when you think you have discovered something entirely original there is usually someone who got there before you! But as luck would have it I had been playing with stamps for the May Journal Quilt challenge (I'll reveal this later in the coming week) and decided that I would use the stamp off sheet for my planner. This is the sheet on which I try out the stamps to see if they are stamped up properly.
I used this for the background and put a sun ray stencil (from Heidi Swapp) on top and over sprayed the stamping with Dylusions inks in a variety of colours, moving the stencil slightly for every go. This ink is transparent and you can thus see the stamping through it. The areas still left white were painting with Silks Acrylic Glaze in gold and turquoise. Again this is a tranparent paint.
I added the text as shown above and then set to work with a large variety of watercolour oil pastels, watercolour markers and black and white pens.
On the circle I added a piece of hand painted paper and then added markings to it as seen above. The piece ended up a bit darker than I had originally intended but the stamping can still be seen and that's the main thing. I made the decision not to spend too long on these challenges at the outset of the project in January, as I simply don't have the time so they are what they are. During the week when I see these pages every day I sometimes add more to it but for the moment this will do.


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