

Monday 30 June 2014

No Cross Words

Week 27 has arrived in The Documented Life Project and our challenge was to add a crossword puzzle, Sudoko or WordSearch to our page. Fortunately I remembered we have a big pile of newspapers in our garage (why??) so last night I went and found the Sudokos in all the central pages and while the football was on, set to work filling them all in. Then I coloured in the little blocks associating one colour with one number, thus using 9 colours in all. I used Elmers Paintastics for this. . I cut out all the puzzles I did, and collaged them onto the background paper.
While working I thought about the task and it suddenly occurred to me that I wasn't using crosswords and from there my mind made the leap to No Cross Words which will be my mission this week (and hopefully most times!). I found some gold stick-on letters and went to work making them look a bit like Scrabble. Isn't it wonderful when you have such an idea it turns out that all the words have letters in common so I could make this arrangement!
The piece needed a bit more so I went back to rummage through my box with bits and pieces, specially assembled at the beginning of the year for The Documented Life Project where I found a vintage photograph of 3 women who looked like they might do a lot of puzzles. I added the Do Not Disturb sticker, layered them with one dotty piece of scrapbook paper and one piece of gelli plate printed deli paper and stitched them into position.

I also added the flowers (cut out from a magazine) and embellished the gold letters with white dots and black outlining, and another page for the project was done. I love my weekly challenges as they make me think so out of my normal textile box.

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