

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Patty's Plum and friends


I have been working away in my studio during the last few days like a woman possessed. Good news but it doesn't leave much time for anything else, like breathing! When such creative moods hit it's best to make the most of it, I've found, so I give myself over and just work, dropping into bed every evening pretty much exhausted to do it all over again the next day.

Eventually the moment comes when I have to come up for air, usually when I find that I need something that I don't have in the house. Today that was white felt, about 3 meters of it. I've now ordered it from Ebay and while sitting at my desk I realized this morning's rain has long since stopped and although the sun isn't out it's still pretty nice outside. In fact a great deal lovelier than inside as my iron has been on more or less non-stop since first thing this morning.

Time to walk around and smell the roses and enjoy all the other colour in the garden such as the Patty's Plum poppies seen at the top of this post, as well as the delphiniums and the dahlias.


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