

Sunday 22 June 2014

The Little White Horse

We have reached the half way stage in The Documented Life Project 2014 as week 26 has arrived. Our latest task was to : Add a Bible verse or a line from your favourite book. Well, if you know me you won't be surprised that it wasn't the bible I reached for! Instead I grabbed my most favourite book when I was a child which is: The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. The little white horse in question is in fact a unicorn and if you're unfamiliar with this book I highly recommend reading it. It's a little gem, full of beautiful imagery. It has as it's theme the eternal battle between good and evil. In fact re-reading this many times now as an adult I appreciate it even more.
I used a painted background made some time ago which had just the right sky colour and then reached for my box with images I have cut out and collected over the years where I found a landscape with castle and horses (one of which was quickly turned into a unicorn by drawing the necessary horn), a rose hedge, and a lovely girl who could so easily be Maria Merryweather, the protagonist of the book.
Everything was moved around and cut to size till I was happy with the result and then glued onto the background and embellished with markers and watercolour pens.
Then I started to look for the text line in the book and on the very last page I discovered exactly what I was looking for: "she would see the little white horse, she would run towards him".  It seemed almost too easy how this one came together but sometimes such magic happens and you should accept it as a gift from the universe!
It isn't the first time this book has been my inspiration. The above small quilt was made some years ago now to celebrate the fact that I had rediscovered this book with the help of Amazon. You can find out all about that happy occurrence here.

1 comment:

  1. I can see your love of the book in your beautiful representations Frieda-magical!


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