

Sunday 13 July 2014

Drumelzier Old Manse Garden

We visited this garden as part of the Scottish Open Garden scheme. In fact so many gardens nearby were open that it took awhile to make up our mind which one to choose, but this one hadn't been open for over a decade so this one it had to be.
And we made the right choice! The Old Manse is located right next Drumelzier church and old graveyard, as you would expect and you can spot these in some of my pictures. Beautiful hills surround Drumelzier on all sides and a part of the garden is walled and thus very sheltered. It was a pure riot of colour.
There were lots of people about but I managed to eliminate most of them from my pictures!

Above the seedheads of a clematis. Don't they look gorgeous?
Here you can clearly see the church in the background. We were so blessed with the weather. The day started very cloudy but the sun appeared while we were in the garden and at the moment it is putting on a splendid display now we're back home.

And finally a picture of the view all round taken from the field that was the temporary carpark.

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