

Monday 28 July 2014

Pocket Page

It seemed like ages since I had any art on this blog. At least that's what I had been thinking guiltily to myself till I caught myself up on those thoughts. My photography too is part of my art making practice and there has been plenty of that. But I must admit that until yesterday morning no needle had been in my hand for almost a fortnight and that tends to make me feel very uneasy! Fortunately for once I have no deadlines to meet for the quilt I'm presently working on. It will be done when it is done! As will the other art pieces that currently only reside in my head till they take shape in real life.

The only thing I have been keeping up with apart from the photography is The Documented Life Project and this is the latest page for my 2014 Moleskine planner. Our mission this week (no. 31) is: Create a pocket - fill it with treasure from your week. 
I started with one of my gelli plate printed pages cut to size (approx. 4.3/4" x 8") and went hunting for a pocket. I found one in the shape of a library pocket which I picked up sometime somewhere. I added it to the page by sewing and then set to colouring it with Pitt Artist Pens by Faber Castell. I added rub-ons and the sticker from yesterday's garden visit. The page itself was enhanced with circular stickers bought from the Etsy shop of Roben Marie Smith, one of the organizers of The Documented Life Project. I added white dots and blue scallops around them to merge them into the background.
As the week has barely started I don't have any treasure to put into the pocket yet and it looked a bit bare so I grabbed some stuff from my supplies, such as the flower picture, the label with rub-ons and the letter F which has the incongruous words Aniseed Balls on it for some reason. As the week progresses and I gather some treasure such as receipts, cards etc. I might take these out again and fill the pocket with that instead. We shall see!

1 comment:

  1. I do love Roben Marie's circle stickers and also some long strips!! But I like most the Scotland Garden scheme sticker you put on your pocket, personalizing your page. I wonder if any of these gardens will be open in September?? :))


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