

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hanging 52 Journals Exhibition

Exciting times ahead as the date for my 52 Journals Exhibition in Peebles is almost upon us. We started the hanging process today as you can see on the pictures. The preview is this coming Friday 22nd August between 6 and 9 pm if you want to come along and then it opens properly on Saturday the 23rd. Here is all the info:

52 Journals
A series of weekly journal quilts
Frieda Oxenham
23rd August – 4th October 2014
Museum Room
Tweeddale Museum and Gallery
Chambers Institution
High Street
EH45 8AG
Open Mon-Fri 10.30 – 12.30 and 1 – 4 Saturdays 9.30 – 12.30
And during the Peebles Arts Festival:
On Sat 23rd and 30rd August also 1 – 4pm
And on Sunday 24th and 31st August 1 – 4 pm
Full Disabled Access
Free Entry

All the journal quilts will be FOR SALE, apart that is from the one that you can see above this post as part of my banner. It's no. 28 Going Around in Circles. I'm hanging on to that one.

The price for all the other ones will be £125 each. You can see all of them in the slideshow underneath (sorry, it doesn't work on tablets but you can simply press on the 52 Journals tag underneath or in the sidebar and find them all that way) or in the sidebar and if you are interested in buying one particular one you just need the number and you can then contact the museum staff on 01721-724820 and they will assist you. Otherwise it will be a first come, first served policy and as some of you already know I don't do commissions so won't replicate any of them.

The show is part of the Peebles Arts Festival taking place from the 22nd - 31th August and in the show program I'm venue 41.
This time the Journal Quilts are carefully displayed not in numerical order but with like for like, so in a way the exhibition itself has been designed. I think they will look much better this way.

The other exciting news is that two of the Journal Quilts on display (no. 23 An Uphill Struggle and no. 7  Close-Up) will be featured in a book called 1000 Quilt Inspirations by Sandra Sider to be published by Quarry Books in 2015. Two other pieces of my work will be featured too. To say I'm over the moon is a bit of an understatement!

Here is the slideshow:


  1. Oh what incredibly exciting news frieda!!! Congrats on all accounts. How I DO wish I could be there in person to see your pieces in all their shining glory. Enjoy,enjoy!

  2. so very exciting!! I am smiling from ear to ear that I get to come see your show in person! So pleased all your journal quilts will be on display :)) Congratulations on the show and the inclusion in the book!

  3. What a wonderful slide show-and Lucky Lenna! We know she's creative, but now another wonderful adjective. And you shall be Fabulous Frieda!


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