

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Portmore Paradise

It's fair to say that I had a less than perfect day yesterday which I didn't mention in my post. The post was also quite different from what I had planned due to one of those imperfections. Truth is that I visited the Ming exhibition at the National Museum in Chambers Street, Edinburgh. When I was half way to the Park & Ride I realised that I had left my camera behind at home. I rightly surmised that photography wouldn't be allowed at the exhibition anyway, and thought I would use my phone to capture whatever I would see outside. Once on the bus into town I switched on my phone and discovered it was out of battery juice. Not so good! Still I ventured into the exhibition which I did enjoy although perhaps not as much as I should have due to the above. Then I came out of the museum with the plan to visit some other exhibitions and discovered it was lashing down with rain. Even worse was the fact that I was wearing my crocs. This is entirely the wrong footwear for Edinburgh in the rain. In defeat I hopped back to the bus stop as best I could and returned home, feeling rather sorry for myself. So this morning as the sun was shining intermittently there was only one way to make up for yesterday and that was to return to Portmore Garden.
We were there about a month ago (see the post here) with my mother but they are open each Wednesday this year during July and August/ The garden was just as lovely, maybe even lovelier, than on our previous visit although of course most of the roses were well over and replaced with other flowers such as clematis.
 I took much more time photographing those views I had been so attracted to last time.
 And repeated photographs almost exactly like during our last visit to show the new flowering scheme.
 The lilies were out in force and they added a beautiful scent to the other delights of the garden.
 I love all those soft heathery colours!
 I leave you with the next images so you can wander digitally through this beautiful place by yourself, stopping where you want.

The greenhouse dates back to Victorian times and inside it's a riot of colour with the most amazing collection of plants, specially geraniums. Enjoy my selection of what I loved best below.

From the greenhouse you arrive into the shell grotto and below is a picture of that wonderful space.
And here are some more flowers and trees that I particularly enjoyed today.

The other delight of the garden are the various sculptures that can be found all over the place. Here are a few for your delight.

 I felt like this! Full of joy and joie de vivre!
Like last time I wanted to return the moment we left! I do so hope that they will operate the same opening hours again next year and I might just go on every day they are open.


  1. What a fabulous garden - I have the same curvy wooden bench!

  2. Oh, what a lovely place. I so wish I lived in a climate more conducive to lush gardens like that one. My dry windy part of Northern California simply doesn't allow you to garden like that. Lucky you to live nearby. Go often!

  3. Wow...the greenhouse flowers are amazing. Great garden.


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