

Monday 4 August 2014

Time to Make Things Happen

It's week 32 (already!) and our task for The Documented Life Project was: Incorporate a fortune cookie fortune. This is easier said than done when there is no Chinese nearby and anyway we hardly ever have Chinese food. So I more or less ignored the task but in the spirit of it decided to make an oriental looking page. I used a collage of Japanese papers in the background, then added to little envelopes with Chinese looking characters.
I found a text I was quite taken with in my stash, printed on vellum which reads : "There is a time to let things happen, and a time to make things happen". I layered it with I think is Chinese writing on black hand made paper but it could equally well be Japanese for all I know.  All these items were sewn on using black thread.
I then added the eye cut out (absolutely no idea where that originated from, I just came across it and it wanted to be on this page) as I seem to be suffering from a bit of an eye obsession and why fight it!The golden sun rays are from a piece of German scrap from Artchix Studio.  I outlined the various items using a water soluble Stabilo All pencil and watercolour pens.

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