

Monday 11 August 2014

Venezia Page

The new task for The Documented Life Project in week 33 was: Use your under paper in a creative way. For those of you not in the know, under paper is what you put underneath your working surface when painting and stencilling. I'm rather religious about having under paper as I know I'm a very messy worker so ages ago I bought a big pack of blank newspaper paper (on Ebay, I think) and I have sheets of that under whatever I'm working on. I use it not only to collect all the spills and over sprays but also to clean up my stencils and try out my stamps as well as roll off the excess paint on my brayers when gelli printing. So I have many wonderful sheets of under paper and it was only a matter of choosing which one to use. Once I found a nice area I glued it onto a sheet of watercolour paper cut to the size of my 2014 Moleskine planner that I'm using for The Documented Life Project.
That done I started to think about what creative thing to do on top of that paper and I decided to do some stencilling. I opened the big box in which I keep my stencils and the first stencil I saw laying on top was the Venice building one from Stencilgirl designed by Carolyn Dube. I never need any excuse to make some Venice related art so I grabbed it and some Dylusions spray inks and set to work adding it to the page using blue and pink inks. I outlined the building using a variety of markers and watercolour brushes and did the same to the stamped star like images that were on my under paper already. I then added the washi tape saying Airmail to the side as shown.
Finally I tore out the word Venezia from the weekend newspaper travel section. You can be sure to find trips to Venice there at all times,  and I was very pleased that I even found the Italian proper name of Venezia.


  1. gorgeous page and it really shows your love of Venice!

  2. It's really beautiful Frieda and I love the way you work -just open the box of stencils and there's something that catches your eye - a lot like me! I do love the colors here and the buildings . . . so glad you are doing this project and keeping your hand in mixed media!


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