

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Autumn Equinox

It's the Autumn Equinox today. Amazing than that the rose Zephirine Drouhin is on her second flowering this year which is something that doesn't often happen here in the Scottish Borders.

The sunflowers however are very much on their last legs although looking very lovely even so.

I spend the morning at the 52 Journals exhibition here in Peebles and that too is now past the half way stage. Only two more weeks to go before it finishes. The last day will be Saturday 4th October. It was busy this morning which is always great for the atmosphere in the gallery. I took some pictures of one of the walls and also managed to take an unexpected selfie while taking a photograph of the display case featuring some of the inspirational photographs that served as starting points for some of the journal quilts.
I will be at the show all day tomorrow after taking 2 of my larger quilts to Ingliston, near Edinburgh Airport, where they will be on display during the Scottish Quilt Championships this coming weekend from Friday to Sunday. That show will be open from 10 - 4.30 every day apart from Sunday when it closes at 4. At that time I will collect my quilts again. I'm getting to know the road to and from the airport rather well! Hopefully the traffic will be kind to me so that I'm able to get to Peebles tomorrow at around the time the gallery opens at 10.30. We shall have to see.

On the phone front there hasn't been much change. Yet another engineer is expected on Thursday and in the meantime both the phone and the wifi through it come and go, sometimes when we have incoming or outgoing calls and sometimes without any identifiable reason. Fingers crossed that pretty soon someone will get to the bottom of what is wrong. It's never great for such upheavals to happen but it's particular bad timing when you're trying to publicize an exhibition on various websites. Thanks goodness for the satellite connection!

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