

Wednesday 3 September 2014

La Linea d'oro 9 Journal Quilt

Amazingly it's now September and time to upload one of the two journal quilts I'm making every month this year. I was asked at the exhibition recently if I wasn't fed up with them by now, seeing how I have been producing them since 2004. But no, I love working on these small pieces and I think one of the main reasons is that I can experiment to my heart's content without having to worry about investing either too much time, money or material.
This one was made for the journal quilt challenge of the Contemporary Quilt Group. They made two being the size of the journal quilts (8" square) and the other that a line had to go through each one from side to side. I chose to make that line golden hence the title for all the pieces La Linea d'oro. I will put them all together at the end of the year into one quilt.

All the fabric I use in all of the journal quilts was painted by me using the gelli plate and acrylic paints. I made a large collection using a lot of circular stencils and then made a huge background out of all of them by patching them onto an iron-on stabilizer. I cut out the 8" squares for each individual quilt. I then further appliquéd circles onto them such as the 3 orange ones on this particular quilt, as well as the golden line.

The final steps were the satin stitching, the extensive hand quilting and the embellishments with beads and sequins. The edges were finished with button hole stitching by hand. This will become part of how I intend to sew them together at the end of the year.


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