

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Echoing through Time

As promised on Sunday I'm showing you the piece of art I bought during the Biggar Arts Festival. I saw it at the Open Studios event by Moira Russell and her husband Ken. This is a very textural painting by Moira called Echoing through Time and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. These photographs really don't do it justice but might perhaps give you some idea of why I liked it so much. It would become more personal than I want to get here, to try and put into words why I felt a connection to the work but something deep inside me responded to it.
I'm so happy to have it hanging in our house now!


  1. This is lovely Frieda - is it just me or are there "ghostly images" under the arch? Very nice....

  2. this is so beautiful Frieda, and knowing what I do know about you I can see why you love this piece so.


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