

Friday 24 October 2014

North Esk Reservoir

Today promised to be the best day of the week weather wise so we set off early after lunch for a walk into the Pentland Hills from Carlops to the North Esk Reservoir. It was along a good track well walked and with signs which is always reassuring.
There are houses out in the hills and this dilapidated cottage was next to a house called Fairliehope. It seems a shame it's left in this state as the views from it must be quite good. But it has to be said that the roof looks beyond repair.
 Here is the reservoir itself. It was designed by Thomas Stevenson, the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, for a group of Penicuik mill owners in 1850 to regulate the water flow in the North Esk River to facilitate their mills. The mills have now all gone and the reservoir has become a haven for wildlife. Despite this we didn't see or hear a single bird in the vicinity.
Next to the reservoir is what was once the cottage where the water board staff must have lived and it's still inhabited. What an isolated spot it must be to live in, specially in winter but I have to say I wouldn't mind living there. The peace and quiet seemed very tempting although I couldn't help wonder about broadband! Also in the summer there must be lots of fishermen and women as there is a dedicated hut for that purpose.
The jetty is no longer what it once was and we didn't venture on it, after reading this ominous sign.
Here it is from the other side and you can catch a glimpse of how windy it was up there looking at the grasses. The reservoir is more than 1000ft above sea-level although it doesn't feel like that while there, surrounded as it is by high hills.

1 comment:

  1. I have daydreams of running off and buying a cottage to fix up. The one in this post looks perfect. Soon as I win the lotto I'll be right over!


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