

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Variations on a Tree Theme

After a few challenging days that brought awful weather, a broken down boiler and a sickly greyhound things have improved. The boiler has been repaired, the dog is on antibiotics and the weather has taken a turn for the better so we treated ourselves to an afternoon's walk and tea at Dawyck.

Tree pictures were the order of the day as the trees were at the peak of their autumn colours. Even the stormy weather hadn't made the leaves all fall although the ground was thick with them. Our task for the photography class is to do a sort of reportage about one day in pictures and this is mine, entirely dedicated to trees in all their forms, shapes and colours.

This is the final stage of the monkey puzzle tree that I have pictured here in many guises.

This cherry tree has reach a zenith of redness. You can also see a detail of it at the top of this post.

And then there is this clump of trees at the top of the gardens. Endlessly photographed by me, I still can never resist doing so all over again at the very next visit. There is something utterly magical about them to my eye.

The sky turned to opal during our drive back home and leaning out of the car window it had to be captured too



  1. Lovely Frieda....and isn't it funny that while things are happening it's horrible but we always seem to get past them!

  2. Beautiful fall foliage pictures, Frieda.

  3. good news to hear things are looking better and beautiful photos of Dawyck. The trees are stunning!

  4. awe I do hope your pup is doing much better now. Your tree photos are stunning-you have captured the gorgeous colors of autumn perfectly!


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