

Sunday 2 November 2014

Autumn is Golden

We were going to walk in the Pentland Hills this afternoon, but it looked rather grey and overcast. I'm strictly a fair weather hiker so instead we made our way once more to Dawyck. Even compared with Wednesday when we were last here, much had changed. More leaves had fallen and more berries seemed to have appeared.

The overwhelming colour of the garden now is golden but there are also wonderful flashes of red, deep grey and also lots of green. While there the sun gradually started to make an appearance too and highlighted the leaves even more.

Even those in the pond.

The red of these acer leaves was stunning.

And the much more subdued tones of these ligularia seed heads had a beauty all of their own.

The landscape all round was bathed in that same golden light.

And at one stage the light became more subdued, turning to almost pink which was the perfect setting for this lichen covered tree.

Soon however the sun came out again and this time it stayed with us till we drove home again with blue skies all the way.



  1. What a gorgeous day you had Frieda - pics are awesome as always....loved the pond...

  2. What absolutely gorgeoous photos, frieda. It has me feeling happy & fulfilled just looking at them! ❤


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