

Friday 28 November 2014

Four Years of Blipfoto

Today is my 4th Blip anniversary which means I have uploaded a daily photograph to the Blipfoto site 1460 times without interruption. All the result of a little notice in the Scotland on Sunday newspaper about Blipfoto back in November 2010. It sounded good and I decided to give it a go, starting on the 30th November. Little did I know it would be a way of saving my life (this is the site's motto) as well as my sanity at times. That daily photograph has become part of my daily life and a way of life. Needless to say some days the picture is better than on others and sometimes I go all out to find that photograph while on others it's simply a quick picture snatched in our garden or photographing my art. It's all good and I'm much more relaxed about the whole thing that I was in the beginning. 
I would like to think that my pictures are also better than at that time but that's not my call. As a visual artist my eyes were very well trained already even back in 2010 but my powers of observation have been further sharpened. I'm not a photographer much bothered about lenses, f-stops and the like even though I know how to use them. For me photography is all about seeing and seizing the moment before it vanishes forever.
I no longer worry about the weather but work around it. Good thing too as today loomed very foggy and damp. I had the idea of going for a forest drive on a road we had never been on before. One of those very narrow Borders lanes running from Walkerburn in an easterly direction on the opposite side of the Tweed where the main A72 road goes and it was a treat. As trees have figured frequently on my Blip journal (including the very first picture all those years ago) they seemed to be appropriate for this occasion.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations once again! So lovely to get my feedblitz email notifying me of your blogpost and seeing even more beautiful photos. what an accomplishment and I can see how much taking a photo a day has influenced your art positively. :) hugs!!!!


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