

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Going Wild with Dyeing

It has literally been years since I last dyed any fabric. I know exactly how long because I did a whole lot of it during the first summer we lived here in 1996. Dyeing was one of my favourite things to do but while I was playing away. John mentioned the fact that we now had a septic tank (I had to ask him what it was! what a townie!) with an overflow in the field. And when I had a look I could see that coloured rinse water flowing merrily down into a nearby stream. Not good! And of course the dye also kills off the bacteria that keep the septic tank functioning. So no more dyeing was done and instead I bought fabric dyed by other people. But yesterday I had the chance to dye in a friend's home that is connected to the mains drainage system and oh what fun we had.
We dyed mainly cotton but I had one piece of what we both now think is a velvet silk cotton mix or maybe viscose. What ever it is it has a marvellous sheen to it and I'm sharing the pictures of the finished piece here.
Yes, this is just one piece of cloth and as you can tell I went wild with the colours using most all of them on this one item. And the results far exceeded my expectations. A lots of ohhhhhhhhhhhs and ahhhhhhhhhhs happened when we took it out of the dye bath and started rinsing it. I have an idea of what I'm going to do with it but it will be quite some time before I can make myself put the scissors into it!
 For the moment it just makes me so happy looking at it and discovering all the amazing details.


  1. Wow, sunsets and nebulae! What fun :)

  2. wow-this fabric is amazing Frieda!!! I can see why you aren't ready to put scissors to it!

  3. Your dyed fabric looks amazing. Velvet is so luxurious. I can't wait to see what you make it into.

  4. The combination of colours is mesmerizing! Very yummy and what fun to create yourself!


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