

Thursday 6 November 2014

La Linea d'oro 11

It's a completely different sort of day today weather wise. As I'm typing this the rain is lashing down outside and it's cold and windy. So this will be a stitching day after I have written this post and added my daily blip to the Blipfoto site. This is my monthly 8 x 8" journal quilt done for the challenge on the Contemporary Quilt Group. They set the size as well as the requirement that there had to be a line going from side to side on all our JQs this year. As you can tell by the name I've given all the journal quilts my line is straight and golden.
All the fabrics I'm using on all my JQs for this challenge have been painted and printed using my gelli plate and acrylic paints. After making myself a huge collection of these fabrics with circular stencils I patched the best bits together on an iron-on stabilizer and from this large piece I cut out the 8 x 8" sized pieces for every individual JQ. I then appliquéd either one large circle or 3 smaller ones (as in this case) onto the background using hand done buttonhole stitch. I machine satin stitched along the borders of the individual patches, added hand quilting and then came to my favourite bit.
Which is of course the embellishment which uses sequins and size 11 seed beads as you can see in the above detail. Only one more month to go now and I can't wait till I start to put all these individual pieces together into one large quilt using the buttonhole stitch on the edges of all the JQs as my starting point.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you put them all together too - WOW!!! That will be brilliant in more ways than one ;) I adore seeing all your hand printed fabrics in this series of journal quilts, just lovely. Such a lot of rain for you lately -at least it is good for getting stitching done! Take care Frieda, hope it stops long enough for a quick walk. I did another journal page spread on Jupiter Artland today, that was quite enjoyable, I will share it soon!


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