

Friday 21 November 2014

More Fun with Fungi and Berries

There is just one more week to go before Dawyck closes it's doors for winter till the 1st February 2015. And because the sun was shining during my dog walk first thing,  it seemed a good idea to go for a walk in Dawyck this morning. Somehow it looked very much like Christmas is coming with all the red berries and the many red - green colour combinations.
 And there were plenty of oranges too, as you would expect in autumn.
Red berries are not the easiest thing to capture on camera but that never stops me from giving it a go and sometimes it works.
 The colour above was really this vibrant and such a treat to the eyes.
The green berries of the juniper are a bit harder to spot and much more subtle in colour but look lovely on closer inspection.
We also discovered even more fungi than during our last visit. Maybe we are just getting better at spotting them but they were ever present in whichever part of the garden we found ourselves.
 Rather than a fairy ring this looks more like a fairy highway.
 The details of this particular toadstool variety were a delight of circular shape.
 As was the underside and gills of the one below.
 Finally below a whole clumb of fungi that seemed to have fused together in an intimate embrace. 


  1. Oh my, I love the berries so much! Thank you for my beautiful morning walk!!

  2. You always share so many stellar photos Frieda- andthese, well, I LOVE all the colors in this nature series!
    And thank you for leaving such thoughtful comments on my blog-I love when you pop in:)

  3. All so lovely Frieda! Sadly -13C here so no such views for me....thanks for sharing

  4. what delightful, colorful, circular photos! Love seeing more of Dawyck. : ))


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