

Thursday 13 November 2014

Witches' Circle

We went to Dawyck this afternoon, as it was 15% discount of all shopping there for members. Once arrived we couldn't resist a quick walk as it was dry although quite windy and darkish. I will miss it when it closes for the winter at the end of the month and hope we can squeeze in one more visit before that happens.
Like last time we kept discovering fungi everywhere including on the trunk of this tree that might well fall down completely soon.

 It sometimes pays off to look down when walking as I spotted this leaf still-life on the path.
 And then only weeks after seeing my first fairy ring I saw a second one, this time more clearly visible and with large mushroom. They are known in The Netherlands and France as witches' circles and I did wonder if this was a subliminal message. Yet again we didn't disturb it although I did kneel down to capture this picture in the soaking leaves.
The mushrooms themselves looked sort of milky and fluid.

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