

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Fiberart For A Cause The 100 Fundraiser

It's time to reveal the latest Fiberart For A Cause (FFAC) project to you. I've been keeping it under wraps till Virginia Spiegel announced it on her website yesterday, but I'm over the moon to tell you that I'm one of the 100 fiber artists participating in Virginia's latest fundraising idea for the American Cancer Society. And I'm in great company, in fact I don't think I've ever been in better. The list of participating artists is awe inspiring. You can see it and all the information about this event here.  Or by clicking on the same image in the sidebar on the right.

In short it works like this: Virginia has selected 100 fiber artists to make a piece of art with a minimum retail value of at least $100, of any size, although pieces smaller than 8 x 10" will be mounted to reach that size. On the 4th February 2015 at 10.00am Central Time (that's 4pm here in the UK) the first 100 people who donate $100 directly to the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause will receive an artwork from one of the 100 artists. Which one they receive, will be determined using a random number generator. And that will result in 100 x 100 = 10.000 dollars raised! How exciting and impressive is that!

What makes it even more amazing is that at the end of this event Virginia will have raised one quarter of a million dollars for the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause over the years.

I'm going to be a proper tease with the piece I made! It suitably has the title Up in the Air and measures 8 x 11". It has a sleeve for hanging attached  I'll reveal little details of it over the coming months until the 4th February arrives, when I will show you the entire piece here on this blog before it will be send off to the randomly selected donor! You can see the glimpse for today above. Techniques used are gelli plate printing, hand embroidery and beading as you can see. And a lot more! Watch this space, as the saying goes!

It's such a pleasure to participate once again in Virginia's fundraising and considering the list of artists I would be quite keen to acquire one of those pieces of art myself!

1 comment:

  1. Frieda, So glad to have you on board. Love the artwork and can't wait to see more of it!


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