

Thursday 18 December 2014

Folding Book 2

It is now quite some time ago since I showed you Folding Book 1 and promised to also show Folding Book 2. Somehow no. 2 lingered on my desk while other things to blog got in the way but now is the time to clear that desk in time for a New Year to start and here it is. It's made following a pattern in book 3 Paper Folding Projects of Ruth Smith's Folded Secrets book series. She calls this book Dragon Book with 19 compartments. You can order the whole set of 4 books directly from her at She accepts both UK cheques and Paypal. Contact her direct for all the information.

I have a hatred of white paper so I cut all the sheets to size and then coloured both sides of all of them, using the gelli plate and acrylic paint. A word of advice: let the paint dry completely before starting to fold them as otherwise they can be very sticky and cling to themselves and each other. Above you can see the book in it's closed position.
 When you open it up this is what you see.
 And folding it open even further you get your first glimpse of the 8 twisted pockets.
This is a closer detail.
And this is a view of one of the twisted pockets opened up (as well as the unhoovered rug!)
It's very hard to show how the folding works in still photographs but above and below are details of some of the large folded boxes opened out.

I have just cut up papers to make another project from book 3 i.e.  Folded Secrets Pattern and Ideas Book and will start gelli plate printing them to make that book in due course. So far, I haven't done anything else with these folded books. For me the fun is in the making but maybe one day I will start filling all those pockets.

You may have noticed that my Blipfoto widget in the sidebar has disappeared. The code no longer worked with the new website that is now up and running. I have been assured that new code will be written and it should be back and when it is it will reappear in my sidebar too.

I'm not universally impressed with the new Blip website, it has to be said. No doubt we will all get used to it but one thing that I take real exception to is the stark white background where before we had soft grey. From an aesthetic point of view photographs look much better against grey than white.  I'm not the only blipper to have a problem with it so hopefully we will get that grey back before too long.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your inspiration, I love your little books and hope to get the instructions from Ruth's books at some point.


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