

Monday 22 December 2014


The Documented Life Project 2014 has posted the last prompt of the year for week 52. It was: Document your family holiday tradition. Which started me off thinking how long it takes before something becomes a tradition. In the meantime however I took a picture of our Christmas tree using my polaroid camera and printed it out with one of the inbuilt borders, that gave it a sort of vintage effect. I grabbed my pile of gelli plate printed papers and by great good fortune found one that had the word SHINE prominently displayed and even better it fitted within the size requirements of the Moleskine planner I have been using this year (4.3/4 x 8"). The word come from a stencil from Stencilgirlproducts designed by Carolyn Dube
I stitched on the polaroid photograph and then punched a star out of gold card and stitched that on too so that the word SHINE could still be seen.
So here it is. Week 52 finished. The Documented Life Project 2015 starts on the 1st January 2015 and is housed on a different website although there will still be a Facebook page too. I have (finally!) decided to carry on in a planner and still tip in my pages as I did this year. I'll share my planner with you very soon. I made the decision as I'm so in love with my big, fat planner for 2014 and I will put up pictures of that too in the next few days. During this last week the Moleskine has finally shown signs that it has reached it's very maximum capacity but with the help of some washi tape I've restored it enough to use for this final week of 2014.

You can find all my posts this year about the project under the label The Documented Life. Next year's pages will appear labelled DLP2015.


  1. Love it Frieda - I am actually going to try and do 2015 (I was a stalker for 2014 LOL). I am trying not to read all the notes being left by overly anxious participants for next year....but ready to get started Jan 1st!
    Off to Canada tomorrow to be with my family for a few days. Hope you have a wonderful, peaceful holiday...

  2. I'm going to give it a go in 2015 too - if I can get the signup to work on the website! Seem to have got myself in a mess with it already LOL.

  3. You certainly have me seriously thinking about the challenge since I bought a planner with room to grow for 2015...
    a fine end to your 2014!!


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