

Monday 8 December 2014

Still in Venice!

One of the reasons that took me to Venice (although only in my dreams) was the weekly (no. 50!) task for The Documented Life Project that told us: Pick a fantasy vacation spot and create a packing list. There was never any question in my mind about where I would go. It could only be one place. I first visited Venice back in the seventies when there were less tourists and more Venetians, when I was young and life was sweet. And yes, romantic. And I lost my heart, to the city! It proved to be an enduring and lifelong love affair (unlike the one I was engaged in while there for the first time!). I've been back several times since but whenever I leave I long to return again. It's just about the only thing on my wish list.
Until I do, there is nothing stopping me travelling there in my art. Any excuse will do and this was an excellent one. The background was done on the gelli plate using Stencilgirl stencils and acrylic paints in the colours of Venice (oh that wonderful light there!). After I was happy with the background I used a stencil designed by Carolyn Duby (also from Stencilgirl) to add the outline of some of those iconic Venitian buildings in pearly white acrylic. It's hard to see as cameras aren't too keen on the resulting shine.
You can see it a bit better on this detail. The torn out image was from one of the Sunday papers' holiday supplements. Perfect timing. Then I wrote my list which was a bit of fun.
Still I don't want to imply I'm any less happy here specially as the snow has arrived. It's not much but enough to produce that wonderful white world. It's very cold with an icy wind but it was beautiful walking with that crunch underfoot, the pastels in the sky above the railway line and with a flock of migrating birds flying overhead. Venice might be a wonderful dream but today's reality was equally lovely.


  1. here, here! I do like seeing your frosty pictures :)

  2. Hello Frieda,
    I have missed visiting you and seeing your beautiful spirit creating. I hope you are well. This Venice art is fab! I love the way you describe your process, you always draw me in with your words as much as your art.
    Glad to see you got a dusting of snow. Maybe even we will get a bit of it if we are lucky.
    Wishing you a lovely holiday season,


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