

Saturday 20 December 2014

The Sunny HIlls

The Pentland Hills were looking splendid when I returned home today. I knew however that a cold wind was blowing and it was feeling quite arctic so didn't mind the fact that we would not be going up there today. This was taken from a lay-by on the A702 and judging by the amount of cars in the various lay-bys many people did go up there enjoying the sunshine. We have been up at this particular spot close to Silverburn but there wasn't enough time left this afternoon to venture up before darkness falls.
Instead I had a very enjoyable Christmas party with the Thistle Quilters this lunchtime, with lots of lovely food and the opportunity to catch up with everyone. This afternoon will be spend on a spot of beading as I would really love to finish the quilt I'm working on before the year is out.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your nature photos, you're an excellent photographer. You capture the light, shadows and textures just perfectly. Thanks for sharing!


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