

Saturday 24 January 2015

A doggy sweater

These pictures were taken at lunch time when we let the dogs out in our courtyard as I wanted to blip the lovely sweater Troi is wearing. We are all still recovering though, from first thing this morning when we did the same thing and poor Troi slipped on the ice which was hidden under the fluttering of snow. She fell heavily and couldn't get enough grip with her long legs to get back up again and I think she also stunned herself. I  literally felt like my heart had come to a stand still when we saw her lying there. We rushed outside and lifted her up. And oh the relief when we discovered nothing was broken or even scraped. And after a few minutes and many kisses, hugs and cuddles she slowly got back to her usual self. 
She recovered her equilibrium a lot faster than I did, and I have spend the morning checking she was okay every few minutes! But all is well and she cheerfully went out again just now and posed obligingly for a picture. She has on her new Greyt Sweater, specially designed for greyhounds and available here.It can be worn inside on cold nights and outside too either by itself or underneath her outside coat. She is an old lady and greyhounds do suffer from the cold a lot. Doesn't she look pretty?!
No need for a coat as far as her brother is concerned. He is equipped with a furry red one all his own with which he was born. He too was quite upset about the events this morning. But as you can see those two are back to normal. It will take us a bit longer!


  1. Oh my Frieda - they are our children aren't they. And things like that just happen so fast and out of the blue. Makes us appreciate them all the more. Lovely warm sweater....

  2. She is such a beautiful dog, glad everything is ok now . . . . be careful, Troi!!

  3. What a beautiful sweater! Our little Brando (7 pounds LOL) also has to wear clothes outdoors in the winter - and he just *hates* it when we remove them after he comes in. LOL He' adores playing dress up - I think he believes he's human.

    It's been so long since I've been able to spend time in Bloglandia - and it's such a pleasure to get a chance to catch up with you and Lenna!

    Happiest of New Years to you!

  4. A greyhound sweater with a looong turtleneck! It fits her well and she seems to like it. She certainly looks lovely in it. My very-short-haired dog tries to scrape hers off along the wall so I gave up. So glad I no longer live where ice is a danger. Be careful!


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