

Thursday 29 January 2015

White and Wonderful

Everything in the weather forecast pointed to lots of snow and the first view of the white world this morning confirmed that it had arrived. We have about 4 inches but it has been drifting so in some areas there is a lot more and at one stage during the walk I was afraid it would come over the top of my boots. To be honest I wouldn't even have minded much as it was such a joy to be the first to walk in virginal snow. This is snow how it's meant to be: soft and fluffy.
 Rueben managed to put some paw prints in just before I took the picture. 
We can but hope a snow plough comes through the lane before this lot freezes as by then it will be near on impossible to remove all that snow,  and there is already ice underneath the snow layers. A 4 x 4 made it through the lane early on but he was struggling and sliding about. The problem with the lane is that once you commit yourself there is no way back as there are no places to turn around.

The birds have been fed, so have the dogs and we humans and we have plenty of supplies so hey, if we don't get out, who minds?
There was wonderful light and the sun is even coming out, prettifying the snow scenes even more. And snow shovelling is on the menu next!
Above my favourite for the day so far, taken from the lane.


  1. Lovely photos! It was pretty slushy when I walked my dog this morning, but the snow has fallen thicker now and is still going! Keep warm x

  2. Wonderful views Frieda but I agree about what is "underneath". We had snow this morning but you could "feel" the ice patches underneath so slow walking Mr. D for his morning rituals LOL... Stay warm!

  3. Very glad I no longer live in snow country but it sure is beautiful in your pictures. Love the one with the gate in the fence line. Stay safe.

  4. The first of a snowfall is so pretty and I too will enjoy it in the beginning but then I can't wait for it to melt away! We just got another bit last night but thankfully it was only a dusting.


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