

Friday 6 February 2015


 It's only February but I already have trouble keeping up on this blog with my various activities. This is partly due to the fact that I'm doing two separate year long projects, one The Documented Life Project 2015 and secondly Life Book 2015. This last is a paid for series of weekly projects which I can  choose to do or not. So far I have religiously done them all mainly due to the fact that I wasn't going far with the weather. Which is good in a way, I guess, although I'm also pleased to notice that finally the thaw seems to be setting in outside. This page is part of the Life Book 2015 "Seeds of Love" class, by the organizer of Life Book 2015 herself, Tamara Laporte.
 I followed the instructions pretty closely, only doing my own thing when it came to the doodling at the end.
Therefore you won't get any information about the process here. You can still sign up for Life Book 2015 if you are interested in doing the class yourself. It has been lots of fun so far and I feel that I have already learned a lot. And also taking the class means that I do at least one mixed media project regularly rather than just reading about it in books or watching videos. It's only by doing that I feel I can improve.
The text I added: "Bloom where you are planted" was also chosen by me. I came across it somewhere and it seemed ideal for this page, and for my life!


  1. gorgeous- I love the flow of this piece!

  2. Beautiful Freida - I wish I had time to sign up for this one but between my job, small projects and DLP I am "booked" and would fall behind seeing what you've done so far - some pretty cool stuff....

  3. I really, really love what you have done Frieda. The projects you are doing from the Life Book class seem to bring out a slightly different style of art for you... do you agree? This is so rich & layered, so beautiful!!! yum yum yum!!!


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