

Sunday 1 February 2015


Everything was frozen and icy when Rueben and I set off for our walk. But there also was a glorious sunrise and I photographed it from one of my favourites spots, with the remnants of the old railway line in the foreground.
 On the way back the old railway bridge was bathed in sunshine.

 Underneth it however the icycles are getting longer by the day.
 We came out to more light.
 As you can see there is still plenty of snow on the Pentlands and all around us and with the freezing temperatures no sign that the snow will disappear anytime soon.
On the plus side the sun has been shining almost continually so far and I had another photography session capturing this tree which is one of my favourites and the little bridge next to the old railway bridge which arches over a little burn close by.


  1. I can't believe I was actually under that railway bridge last September. It makes me smile . . . It warmed my heart before I ever set foot under it in person. Those icicles are wild! The sunrise, gorgeous. Glad rueben has a warm coat naturally, you bundle up!!!

  2. Lovely photos Frieda - but I can appreciate how cold it must actually be despite the sun! It has been literally snowing all day here (with no sun) and some blistery winds...Feb 1st came in strong this year :)

  3. At least you have some sun to brighten the frozen and snowy cold. We just got some frozen weather again but sadly it wasn't pretty.

  4. The light in your photos is beautiful. Keep warm!


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