

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The 100 Fundraiser Day

Today is the big day! This is when the American artist Virginia Spiegel hopes to raise $10.000 for the American Cancer Society. Together with her other fundraising events in the past (and I'm pleased to have been a part of some of them) that will mean she has raised an astonishing quarter of a million dollars for this very deserving cause. You can find out how to take part here.

Basically the idea is that 100 fiber artists have donated their work and the postage costs to send it anywhere in the world to the first 100 people that contact Virginia for a link to donate $100 to the cause. Who gets which artwork will be determined by a random number allocator. You need the link from Virginia to donate and get the art. It all kicks off at 10.00 am Central Standard Time which is 4pm here in the UK. So at 4pm be ready to send that e-mail to Virginia to request the link!. Again, all the information you need can be found by following this link. The only other thing necessary is your credit card!

You will have seen all the detailed photographs before in the months leading up to this day but I'm now revealing the entire piece at the top of this post. It measures 8 x 11" and has a hanging sleeve on the back. Should the buyer want to frame the art piece, the hanging sleeve can be removed easily. The piece is called: Up in the Air.

All the artists were asked to contribute a piece of art with a retail value of at least $100. This piece is slightly larger than my usual journal quilts which sell for £125. As far as I can tell all the participating artists have gone out of their way to make their piece for this fundraiser way beyond the $100 value. You can see some of the fabulous art made on this Pinterest board.

I can't wait to hear where this piece is going and I'm also going to sit at the ready with my finger on the button so to speak to send Virginia an e-mail at 4pm sharp. Hope you'll do the same in whatever timezone you're living. Remember it's the equivalent of 10 am Central Time It's going to be mayhem in her inbox! I will of course let you know what happened tomorrow. Hope you too are getting ready to donate.



  1. What a wonderful and generous contribution! I hope I am able to bid and win one of the many beautiful art quilts.


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