Thursday, 16 June 2016

Mini Mini Quilt 3

It's not the kind of weather to go and photograph my next mini mini piece outside! So today it is an indoor shot with a cactus to give a sense of scale.

The mini mini series of quiltlets I'm making are sized 6" square (or 15 cm). I started on the mini mini craze when I came across the Instagram feed of the Make Modern magazine, published in Australia. At the moment (till the 20th June) they are running a #MMminimini challenge with prizes and I couldn't resist.

However I hadn't been ready to be hit by the mini mini bug but I have. I suddenly felt the need to make not just a few for the competition but to set myself the goal of producing 100. I'm not setting any time limits but will just make them when I feel like it which at the moment is all the time!

This one is no. 3


Digitalgran said...

I love this, but am wondering how long it will take you to make 100!

Linda Kunsman said...

I am loving your mini series Frieda! Love the lime green back piece on this one-really makes the other colors pop.


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