Saturday, 2 July 2016

minimini 7

Time to show you minimini #7. You will probably know this by now but I started making these 6" (or 15 cm) square modern quilts for the Make Modern magazine published in Australia. They had a competition on Instagram with the hashtag #MMminimini which has now finished but I got a real taste for making these little treasures and hope to make 100 eventually and put them together into one large quilt. I am trying to photograph them with something else (flowers in this case) to give a sense of scale.
 n the meantime I will be sharing each individual one here but without much explanation for the next ones. You can see them all by clicking on the mini mini label underneath this post or in the sidebar.
This one is machine quilted, machine pieced, raw edge appliquéd using hand stitching and hand beaded.

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