Tuesday, 5 July 2016

More Foxgloves

It has been very wet last night but things look a bit better and drier this morning and the pebble dash is going back on a few walls of our old cottage today. As this involves throwing it at the wet cement the dog and I are consigned to barracks and I'm going to spend time watching the final of The Great British Sewing Bee that I missed last night. Of course I will be stitching at the same time!
I had to pop outside briefly though, to capture the foxgloves in all their glory. I  specially love the above pale yellow touched with pink edges variety. The raindrops do enhance it but I fervently hope no more rain will fall today

1 comment:

Terri said...

Oh my, Foxgloves are just amazing. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for them. They are glorious!
Lots of rain here too, but we don't mind as it keeps our temperatures down. Otherwise it is in the 90s.
Wishing you some good weather to go out in : )


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