Tuesday 28 February 2017

Snow and Sun

There have been some adventurous drives in the last few days. First there were flooded roads, a fountain springing up in the middle of an A road and road closures, and yesterday a ditch proved to be challenging and very small roads had to be navigated. All good fun, specially as in the end all was well. But I was rather surprised when I found my wellies and thick coat in the car when I set off yesterday in blazing sunshine. I was assured that snow was under way. Really?!
However as I was making my way home and reached Peebles all of a sudden white splatters hit my windscreen and by the time I entered our little lane thick snow was coming down. I made it home in the car but have to admit a surprising amount came down in a very short period of time.
This morning proved to be so beautiful. All the snow was still there, some iced over, and there was a blue sky and glorious sunshine. I was out with the camera at the crack of dawn and we are just back from a wonderful dog walk during which Flora didn't stop even once in panic. Instead she positively skipped through the white stuff to my great delight. I very much felt like skipping myself but it's a bit difficult to do in wellies.
 It's a day that makes you glad to be alive to see it.

1 comment:

Linda Kunsman said...

gorgeous scenery Frieda, and I am so very happy to hear Flora is enjoying it so!


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