Sunday, 1 April 2018

Dreaming of a White Easter?

If you were dreaming of a white Easter, we got it! It was a beautiful morning but entirely white all round! Because of the sun things are melting rapidly, but not to worry, more is on it's way tomorrow apparently. This really has been one of the strangest starts to a year, weatherwise. 
Spot the deer! Not easy, I admit but look out for that little white tail!



Flora enjoyed her snow walk but she was even more pleased by our visit to Penicuik Estate in the afternoon, where she met up with her doggy friend and where much dog biscuits were bought (and consumed!). There was some lovely food for us too, served from an Airstream caravan! 

1 comment:

Linda Kunsman said...

Same strange weather here too. Woke up to -yes- SNOW this AM-ugh! And we just put out some of the planters and patio furniture...
love the two pups enjoying their walk together!


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