Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Fused Glass results

Sorry for a short absence as there were apparently multiple problems in and around the Edinburgh telephone exchange and the internet was tediously slow as a result. Hopefully everything will be back to normal very shortly now.  On the plus side the weather is a lot better and we are bathed in sunshine as a result. However still very cold and freezing overnight and as a result I slithered down the hill last night on my way home from my house group meeting. No harm done, apart from a rise in my heart rate!

I picked up the pieces of fused glass I had made in a workshop some time ago now. You can read more about that on a previous blogpost here.
I was so pleased with the results! John remarked that they would look great inset into wood so he is considering how he might be able to do this. Great to have such a handy husband!

The work on the telephone exchange will last for a bit longer so if I'm not present here that is the explanation. I was worried about not being able to read my e-mails and over the moon when I managed to get in there for a few moments. And guess what, nothing of any importance! Isn't it always so?!


Linda Kunsman said...

Your fused glass pieces are gorgeous!! Can't wait to see how John makes the display in wood for them. I remember being w/o power for 5 days and first thought I was missing so much too. What it taught me was that I could live w/o internet for a bit, AND get more art done :)

theresa martin said...

The glass pieces are beautiful. Hope you are speeding around the internet again soon.

Erica said...

Your fused glass pieces are stunning Frieda. Are they small enough to make into jewellery? Just a thought. I do hope spring comes properly very soon and that the UK a great summer. We are suffering from drought and autumn is slow coming...

Terri said...

Ooooh they look so lovely! What little delicious looking gems you have created! I can picture them in wood, they would really look fab too!
I am glad to hear about the sun showing up there! Yay! I hope the temps warm up for you soon.
Be careful! : 0



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