

Monday 9 June 2014

Be Great

Somehow the Be Great message landed on my latest contribution to The Documented Life Project. Our mission this week (no. 24 already!) was to: Use book pages or text paper. I started with a gelli plate printed paper and the first things I added were the large circles cut with a punch from a variety of text papers some of which were already painted as left-overs from previous projects.

I then found that large arrow in my box filled with bits and pieces which I gathered specially for The Documented Life Project at the beginning of this year. There are all kinds of odds and ends in there, such as labels, stamps, stickers, washi tape, strips of left over fabrics and things I pick up while out and about. When the time comes to make my weekly page I rummage through it and come up with suitable stuff for the week in question. The arrow was cut while trying out my Scan'nCut machine.

The Be Great words were chosen not so much for their content (although it's always a good idea to try and Be Great at all times!) but more because they fitted so well on that arrow. And just maybe my subconscious wanted to give me that message too.

At the top I added three strips of text from a vintage French book, simply because it needed something up there to balance the arrow. And I found another message on one of the cutout circles where I discovered the words Study Busily. Synchronicity decided this marvellous combination, and perhaps it was another prod from that subconscious mind. After all by studying busily you might just achieve greatness. I love it when such utter randomness ends up producing a message.

The final step was to enhance all the various elements with markers and paints to make them both stand out and blend in by adding shadows and outlining.

I have once again reached a situation where there is lots I want to share here on my blog (in fact I have a list!) but it's hard to fit it all in and I don't want to spend hours online here every day writing about art when what I want to be doing is making it, but I will try and produce a bit of a dent in that list in the coming weeks so stay tuned!



  1. Loved reading about your art making process. I too rummage through a box of scraps when starting a collage!

  2. Another beautiful page with so many wonderful elements and colors. Your art always makes me so happy! I love how it came together and the message you got from it too.


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