

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Colours of Burano

As promised I'm returning to The Colours of Burano quilt that won the hand quilting award at the Loch Lomond Quilt Show in May. I spend the morning photographing all my recently finished quilts as today is about as good as it gets for photography purposes. It was bright, sometimes cloudy, sometimes sun, dry and with little wind (no wind is unheard of here in Scotland!).

Since we have the summer house I've nominated the back wall of that as my outdoor photography studio and it works well as it is relatively sheltered from wind by the summer house itself.

The large quilt (as seen at the top of this post) was inspired by one of the Journal Quilts I made during my 52 Journals project in 2012, i.e. no. 43 Burano and that one is shown above. The size is deceptive as this is only A4 sized. When the 52 Journals project was finished I looked back over all the pieces and this one looked like it could be translated easily into a larger piece of work. So I used graph paper and made a pattern and set to work making the blocks that you can see in the top picture. When they were all done they seemed to want to be separated and for the first time ever (and possibly the last) I used white for the sashing and borders.
The quilt was then extensively hand quilted as you can see above. Without intending to do so I seem to have come up with a so-called Modern Quilt. Once it was made I became interested in how it would look with different fabrics and you will see the resulting quilts (called The Colours of Java and I Colori dei Fiori) in due course.

While I was taking the pictures my handy helper assisted in hanging up the quilts and he also took the opportunity to take my picture with his Hudl (hence the low quality of the images!). Here I am photographing Klimtesque, a quilt that has featured on this blog before.

I used a tripod and my Canon for the pictures although on the rough terrain I'm not that sure that the tripod really helped. The chickens were also watching me in action as you can see.

Don't forget that the 52 Journals will be on exhibition soon, starting the 23rd August till the 4th October 2014, at the Museum Room, Tweeddale Museum and Gallery, Chambers Institute, High Street, Peebles EH45 8AG. If you want to organize a group visit and hear me talk about the pieces just let me know and I can arrange it with the museum, subject to availability. Hope to see many of you there!



  1. I love seeing all of this, especially the photos John took of you "in action" :))

  2. Your Burano quilt is utterly fabulous!!! Looks like you have a great spot for photographing them, and I love when I get a glimpse of YOU now and then too:)


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