

Friday 6 June 2014

It was Glorious

It's such a treat to have a warm, sunny day and I made the most of it today, sitting outside and hand stitching a small journal quilt while John made preparations for the dire weather  that is forecast to hit us tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be quite as bad as predicted. It's such a shame when the flowers we have looked forward to for many months are beaten down by wind and rain ( hailstones as well as thunder and lighting were also mentioned!). Still there is nothing to be done about such natural events so I did my bit by photographing some plants that look their best just now such as this rhododendron "Fanny".
And I couldn't resist another picture of the laburnum tree which is now at it's very best and looking fabulous against the blue sky and with daisies all around it.
 Some of the lupins we grew from seed have started to flower.
 And everything looks so spectacular against that magnificent blue, such as these purple primulas
 and the white lilac.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Frieda, what heaven in your garden you & john have created!! The Laburnum tree is amazing . . . the lupines! The LILACS (my favorite and none here in FL) -oh my! It gives me such a wonderful feeling to see the beauty you have nurtured & created. Hope everything fares well in the storm including you two :)


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