

Thursday 5 June 2014

La Linea d'oro 6 Journal Quilt

It's that time of the month again and the moment has arrived to show you my 6th small (8" square) journal quilt made for the challenge on the Contemporary Quilt Group. I have in fact finished all the Journal Quilts for the challenge this year already, as it made more sense to just keep on going. All the fabrics were made on the gelli plate using a wide variety of circular stencils and acrylic paints. These were then patched together onto a backing fabric and from that large piece I cut out selected areas to make the journal quilts. 

The requirement for the challenge was to have a line go through each JQ going from side to side and I choose to make that a golden line, hence the name of all the quilts. They will be put together at the end of this year to make one large wall hanging. After patching, more circles were added to each little quilt. In this case one large grey one as can be seen above.
After that I went wild with the embellishments, adding both hand and machine quilting. Sparkle was added by sewing on sequins and beads to my heart's content.

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