

Sunday 20 July 2014

Halmyre Mains Garden


I must apologize for not being here properly. I know that I'm producing posts but I'm not writing very thought out comments. My brain is switching continually between 2 languages and that isn't very suitable for cohesive thinking, let alone writing. So once again this is mostly pictures of the garden we visited this afternoon (Halmyre Mains) in what can only be described as glorious weather!

There were wonderful colour combinations.

Gorgeous yellow daisies.

Beautiful begonias.

Tall yellow ligularia.

Great greenery.

Stunning through views.

The garden was a delight but in the end I still decided to blip this beauty, one of the wildflowers from our seed mat. It might still be there tomorrow but I didn't want to take the chance of missing the opportunity.


1 comment:

  1. Funny, I would never have thought of you not being here 'properly'!! But as you write about it I start considering you thinking in your native language, Dutch, and writing in English while living in Scotland! It must be a bother sometimes! I could not tell from your writing though . . . I only notice sometimes when I think you might be busier with your art because you write less. But it is all good as far as I am concerned, sometimes you say more and sometimes you say less, but you always come through with gorgeous photos for us. I feel you do keep your readers in mind! No worries.
    And I am so excited to say publicly that I am beyond the moon and back to know I am coming to visit you during your 52 Journal Quilts exhibit. Thank you, thank you - a dream coming true!! xox


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